The West High Alumni Marching Band Association (WHAMBA) began in the fall of 1979. In 2019, WHAMBA had our 40th anniversary march. WHAMBA consists of alumni band members, Weskets, orchestra members, drill team members, flag corp. members, drum majors, field commanders, majorettes, and rope twirlers. All members come together from all the different graduating classes and perform for the Homecoming crowd each fall. WHAMBA joins the current students and we come together to do Script West which has always been a crowd favorite. Over the years, we have had various conductors come back to participate including Jimmy Hill ’47 and Mark Sampson. One year, Jack W. Miles, M.D. ’31, came back to march and he has the distinction of being the very first drum major at West High School.
Our WHAMBA membership has decreased due to our aging population and physical constraints. Members are still encouraged to participate even if you can only play your instrument on the sideline or just to cheer us on.
WHAMBA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our funds are separate from the West High School Alumni Association. Registration funds and donations are used to support the current band and Wesket program. WHAMBA has donated money for instrument purchases and repairs along with uniform equipment for the current program.
Alumni Dance Band

WHAMBA members formed the West High School Alumni Dance Band in 1993. This is a group of talented musicians who play wonderful swing music at class reunions and at the West High All – Alumni Christmas Luncheon. The dance band is available for hire even for private parties. Donations are used to support the current music program at West High School. Contact “Brad to the Bone” Brad Laver ’75 for more information. Contact information is listed above.
Relive the thrill of marching down the alley! Relive the glory days!