West High School Alumni Association Bylaws

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Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the West High School Alumni Association (WHSAA) of Columbus, Ohio. The association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Article II: Purpose
The purpose of the association shall be to:

  1. Build camaraderie within the West High School community—alumni, students, parents, and current and former principals, teachers, and staff
  2. Foster pride in and advancement of the programs of West High School
  3. Locate graduates, maintain an alumni database, and encourage and process memberships
  4. Solicit and provide financial support for the association’s activities, student scholarships, and special projects associated with West High School
  5. Organize and promote alumni activities

Article III: Members

  1. The membership of the association shall consist of alumni and associates of West High School.
  2. Members shall pay an annual fee for membership or a one-time fee for life membership in the association. Payment of dues qualifies individuals to become active members.

Article IV: Officers

The officers of the association shall be:

1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer

All officers shall be elected for a one-year term. There is no limit to the number of terms an officer may serve.

No person shall hold more than one office at any one time.

Article V: Board of Directors

  1. A Board of Directors, which includes the elected officers and committee chairs, will constitute the governing body of the WHSAA and will handle such business as comes before the Association. One seat on the Board will be reserved for a representative of recent classes (within the last 15 years).
  2.  The Board of Directors shall also include five (5) at-large members of the WHSAA and the immediate past President.
  3. The Board of Directors shall consist of not more than 23 total members.
  4. The nomination of officers and at-large board members shall take place in the month of October. A nominating committee of at least two persons shall constitute the Nominating Committee. Additional nominations may be made from the floor, with the consent of the nominee.
  5. The election of officers and at-large board members shall take place in the month of November. All elected members shall serve for a one-year term or until their successor is elected.
  6. Terms of office are for one year—January 1 to December 31.
  7. The absence of any Board member from three regular meetings in any twelve-month period shall be deemed a resignation unless a petition is made to the Board, either in person or in writing, and accepted by the Board at the next regular meeting of the Board following the third absence. In the event of multiple petitions, each will be considered separately.

Article VI: Duties of Officers

  1. Shall direct the affairs of the organization
  2. Shall establish meeting dates, time, place, and agenda
  3. Shall conduct all regular and board meetings
  4. Shall be one of two signers on all bank checks and bank cards

Vice President:

  1. Shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence
  2. Shall schedule speakers for General Membership Meetings
  3. Shall coordinate activities of Class Representatives


  1. Shall maintain a written record of the business conducted by the association
  2. Shall notify members of meetings
  3. Shall make routine and timely checks of the WHSAA post office box and disseminate information to officers, committee chairs, and the database manager relative to membership, activity registrations, obituary notices, thank you notes, and other business regarding the core activities and events of the association


  1. Shall collect all monies of the association and pay all submitted bills on a timely basis
  2. Shall keep accurate and current records of all incomes and expenses
  3. Deposit all monies to the chosen bank of the association
  4. Provide financial reports at all general and board meetings
  5. Provide updates on Scholarship donations
  6. Shall get approval from the President for any expenditure exceeding $100.00
  7. Shall be authorized to sign checks and be one of two signers on bank signature cards

Article VII: Committees

Committees, standing or special, shall be appointed by the President as deemed necessary to conduct the work of the association.

The President and/or Vice President shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. Committees may include, but are not limited to, Bylaws, Audit, Hall of Fame, Christmas Luncheon, Florida Reunion, Historian, Scholarship, Summer Picnic, Nominating, Publicity, Website, Alumni Newsletter, Communications/Social Media, Fundraising, Golf Outing, Concessions, Memorabilia, Yearbooks, and Western Reunion.

Article VIII: Dissolution of the Association

If, for any reason, the association shall terminate or be required to dissolve, all funds remaining in the treasury, after all outstanding bills have been paid, shall be distributed to West High School. These resources, whether real, personal, and/or financial, are to be sold or transferred to the General Fund Account of West High School, to be used for the benefit of the then current student body or future scholarship needs. The distribution of these funds shall be supervised by a committee composed of principals and faculty of West High School and WHSAA officers/members, not to exceed nine total individuals.

Prior to such dissolution, proper notification shall be given to the membership and responses solicited as to possible restructuring. A period of at least 120 days should elapse between the notification and dissolution action.

Article IX: Parliamentary Authority

Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the association in all cases to which  it is applicable and in which it is not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of orders the association may adopt.

Article X: Amendment of Bylaws

These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote, previous notice having been given stating the reason for the change. (Notice shall be given in writing at one general membership meeting and voted upon at the next general membership meeting.)

West High School Alumni Association Standing Rules

NOTE: Standing rules are related to the details of the association rather than parliamentary procedure and can be adopted or changed by a majority vote (one over half) at any business meeting without previous notice.

  1. The association shall publish a newsletter at least two (2) times per year. The newsletter will be distributed to the members listed on the active roster of members.
  2. The association shall schedule one or more membership events annually.
  3. The Hall of Fame honorees will be awarded Life Memberships effective at the time of their induction. Scholarship recipients will be awarded a four-year membership.
  4. Class Representatives:

A. Persons representing their class or class year are designated as Class Representatives.

B. The duties of Class Representative are:

1. Be a dues-paying member of the association.
2. Maintain a roster of their individual class members.
3. Notify the association of class activities.
4. Provide updated mailing lists to the association, such as following a reunion.
5. Notify the association of the death of a class member.
6. Attend at least one alumni function during any calendar year.

5. The effective period for annual dues will be January 1 through December 31 of the calendar year. By November 1 each year, the Board will review the existing membership fee structure and make any recommendations for adjustments based on the association’s financial standing.

6. An Audit Committee of at least two (2) persons shall be appointed as soon as possible after the first of the year to audit the previous year’s financial records. The appropriate report shall be kept on permanent file.

Original 1992 (bylaws)
Revised 1997 (bylaws)
Revised 2001 (bylaws)
Revised 2011 Lois A. Neff (bylaws; standing rules adopted at this time)
Revised 2020 by membership vote on 11-18-2020 (bylaws & standing rules)
Revised 2022 by officer and membership vote 10/9/2022 (bylaw review)
Revised 2022 by officer and membership vote 11/16/2022 (bylaw update)