2023 WHSAA Board of Directors

Front – Mike Miller ’70 (Asst. Treasurer), Dan Martin ’72 (President), Georgia Martin Ward ’70 (Secretary/Golf Outing Chairperson), Diane Lowery Offenberger ’79 (Treasurer)

Back – Vida Fulton Williams ’73 (Past President/Communications-Social Media Chairperson), Sara McPeek Sampson ’69 (Hall of Fame Chairperson), Greg Large ’70 (Membership/Nominating Chairperson), Karen Nixon Stattmiller ’79 (Scholarship Chairperson), Eli Bowen ’74 (Concessions Chairperson), Joyce Johnson ’72 (Hall of Fame)

Not in the picture –  Stacy Neff Campbell ’78 (Vice President), Rosalie Martin Williams ’72 (Concessions), Dan Alspach ’76 (Communications/Social Media), Joe Castorino ’67 (Florida Reunion Chairperson), Nancy Lloyd Laver ’79 (Newsletter Editor), Nikol Madison Owens ’97 (Picnic Chairperson), Althea Seagraves Williams ’73 (Website Chairperson), Dorance Nichols Hornsby ’63 (Yearbooks Chairperson), Rick Davis ’97, Kaneeka Dalton Paul ’02, Wanda Estepp Ross ’73.


Annual Summer Potluck Picnic 

The West High Alumni Annual Picnic is always a lot of fun. 

If you would like to contribute, please contact Nikol Madison Owens at or 614-556-9383. Restaurant gift cards are great door prizes, and we are always delighted to receive gifts from area businesses.

The event is held on the fourth Sunday in July at 4:00 pm. Check the calendar for event date, as well as our Facebook page and the Alumni newsletter “Occident” for event details and fun times.

Hope you can attend our next annual picnic!